In my experience...

miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2013
Talking generally, I have lernt so many things in these first units of Tecnología Educativa.  First of all, I realized how technology is improving not only classroom equipment but also the way in which Education is delivered. Actually, Teaching perspectives and Learning Styles Theory made helped me to understand thoroughly the relationship between Technology and Education. Later, the Intructional Methods came to reforce and join all those concepts I had in my mind into a better one. To illustrate, my classmates and I are already capable to create a situation, a theoretical one, related to teaching and learning that will be analyzed and solved according to the requirements presented. As a conclusion, it allowed me be eclectic, and even aware of it, upon those issues of Education.

What I liked the most was the online tools we lernt to use during these units. Prezi, Mindomo and Glogster were predominant. In my case, I prefer using Glogster because it provides a large variety of items you are allowed to use in order to be widely creative, for Educational purposes and even more. After that, we started to use Blogs to share or work on those web pages I just mentioned. Currently, we are making opinios on Wikis. For me the Educational Technology Class' main goal, has already begun to fullfill.

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